Do you view the people around you at work as mere co-workers or as friends? How you or your employees answer that question can have a huge impact upon your workplace happiness. The term "co-worker" implies that you work at the same company with another individual and there isn't anything in common other than your place of employment, the term "friend" implies that you have a positive relationship from a shared purpose, interest, or experience with an individual you work with that takes place in and beyond your company...there is a huge difference! A recent Gallup poll showed the majority of people in the US are unhappy at work, and a global Gallup poll showed that 85% of people hate their job. A shift to a YOU NOT ME™ Mindset can increase your level of joy in your work and workplace. CEOs and managers need to understand, a company or team performs better when they are drawn close together versus operating at arms length. Below is the cure if you choose to start taking the steps to create a culture that will foster this change.
You may not love your actual function at work, but have you taken the time to get to know the people around you and develop any sort of relationship with them? Someone that has a YOU NOT ME Mindset looks at every single interaction as a relationship building opportunity. If you take the time to invest in the relationships around you, you will eventually be surrounded by friends, and regardless of your work function, your joy in your work will increase. If you choose not to invest in the people around you, you are letting the greatest opportunity for joy in the workplace pass you by. People will stay at average jobs because they love the people they work with, and they will leave great jobs because they don't have a relationship with the people they work with. Take a minute to ask someone about themselves, you will be amazed at the doors this will open!
To be truly successful, companies and managers must learn how to create a culture which fosters shared experiences. Shared experiences will create an amazing community and advance internal relationships from purely colleagues, to authentic friends. Once friendships are developed, companies will reap tremendous benefits in their productivity, employee retention, and the quantity/quality of applicants that want to join their team. Your employees will want to operate on a higher level because they care about their friends and their company succeeding. They won't want to let them down because everyone truly cares about each other as a properly functioning community should...and those at the top must truly support and live this out for it to be infectious throughout every part of the company.
At work, you have a choice to help sharpen each other's skills to make one another better, which in turn makes the entire company better, or you can tear down and fight against each other to be in the spotlight for the next promotion, which in turn makes the entire company less productive and creates a cutthroat culture. The picture above can be seen in two different ways depending on whether you hold a YOU NOT ME™ Mindset or a ME NOT YOU Mindset. What type of culture and mindset do you have in your workplace?
Thank you so much for reading, it is an honor to have your time! I hope something in this piece resonated with you and helped shift your mindset. If it did, please share it with friends that could benefit from it and would want to join our movement to change the world around you by focusing on YOU NOT ME.
© 2018 YOU NOT ME™ Empowered Consulting