Life is all about relationships...it doesn't matter if it is business or personal, it is all about relationships! They will either grow or deteriorate depending on your mindset towards them. Relationships can seem very complicated, but we have simplified them for you. We want you to see that in reality, there are only two relational mindsets you are choosing to live. These two mindsets are in complete opposition to each other and one will lead you to unlimited success and joy, the other to potential ruin and disappointment. We call one the YOU NOT ME™ Mindset, the other is the ME NOT YOU Mindset. We created this so you can quickly and easily reflect on any interaction. It will help you better understand the outcome and determine if you grew the relationship or caused it to deteriorate, and then you can devise an action plan for how to move forward.
Below are some telltale signs to help you see which one you are either consciously or subconsciously choosing. We don't always operate in the extreme of one mindset or the other, but we do tend to lean more towards one mindset than the other. Which mindset towards relationships are you choosing to live?
Disciplined Thoughts and Choices – Put others above yourself
Pure Hearted Service
Encouraging Words – Takes Accountability
Support – Mentor – Forgive
Goes Above and Beyond
Creates Deep, Authentic Relationships
Filled with Joy
Undisciplined Thoughts & Choices – Put yourself above others
Takes Advantage of Others
Discouraging Words – Points Fingers
Critical – Parasitic – Holds Grudges
Does Minimum Required
Creates Surface, False Relationships
Lacks Joy
We will go deeper over the next few articles to show how each mindset contrasts with the other. Hopefully you can take time to reflect on your life to see which mindset you are most often choosing, and identify where you can start making changes to live a life of increased success and joy through putting others above yourself and making them better.
Thank you so much for reading, it is an honor to have your time! I hope something in this piece resonated with you and helped shift your mindset. If it did, please share it with friends that could benefit from it and would want to join our movement to change the world around you by focusing on YOU NOT ME.
© 2018 YOU NOT ME™ Empowered Consulting