Math was my least favorite subject growing up, but I loved coming up with this equation. In school we are taught 1+0=1...but when you step out of the classroom and choose to live a YOU NOT ME™ Mindset by putting others above yourself, you get a totally different answer. The laws of physics help to prove that it holds the potential for miraculous power to amplify your significance and success, and it will benefit everything you touch as well as empowering others.
If one person, with a pure heart, chooses to do something to make someone else better (a pure heart meaning they are expecting and wanting nothing in return except for the other person to receive a benefit) you will find that three people actually benefit and gain...and that benefit has the potential to be infinitely multiplied.
Read below to truly understand the power of this equation in your life. To help, visualize a rock hitting a completely still pond and watching the ripples that then go out from that interaction.
1 : This is you. You are the rock. You run into someone or meet with someone for business, pleasure, etc., and by living a YOU NOT ME Mindset you choose to give them something that makes them or their day better. Not something that has physical properties, but you add positive energy to the relationship by serving, encouraging, helping, guiding, mentoring, teaching, advising, complementing, or even just the warmth of a simple smile. You empower them. Just like the rock hitting the water produces positive energy in the water, you create a positive energy in that person.
0 : This is the other person in the interaction. They are the still pond water, and they do nothing but accept the energy that you (the rock) give them. If you choose to live a YOU NOT ME Mindset, you do things for others regardless of their potential to add something to the relationship or interaction. For illustrative purposes of how powerful this is, we will act as if this person provides nothing back to benefit you...because when you chose to act, you didn't expect them to do anything for you in return. This person is purely a recipient of your energy and positive service. (In life, the most fruitful relationships are truly synergistic where each party tries to serve and improve the other with a pure heart. Both are made better and are more powerful by being combined with each other than if they were existing on their own.)
3 : How do you get end sum of 3 people that benefit you ask? 1+1+1=3
1. The first is when you (the rock) pure-heartedly added value and energy to someone (the water).
1. This person (the water) doesn't necessarily have to add value back to you, but what does happen is that this person (the water) is primed with energy for the next person with whom they interact. There has never been a physics experiment where a rock was plunged into water and the water didn't give off a similar energy to what it received. Likewise, people will most often pass on the same positive energy benefit that they were given...or if life throws a negative curve ball their way, having received a positive energy from you, they will be kinder and have the ability to handle it better because of the pure hearted kindness you provided that improved their heart and mindset. So the first person who was impacted adds the second value by passing on what you gave them to the next person with whom they interact...which now brings us to 2 people that have benefited.
1. The third value in the sum is YOU, the person that started this equation and first chose to give out positive energy through pure-hearted service. Even though you may not have received anything back from either of the two parties we just spoke of, you actually receive something...you find joy in your life and work. Studies have shown that joy from a shared experience can't be taken away and can persist indefinitely compared to a materialistic joy that is often short lived. You will go forward in your day knowing that you have been significant in making someone else's life better, that you have been successful at accomplishing something, and that you empowered someone to be the best they can be...this brings us to our sum of 3 people that have benefited from your YOU NOT ME Mindset.
(∞) : This is the ripples on a pond affect. When you throw a pebble or rock into a pond, the resulting affect of the energy created is that waves or ripples are sent out. Just like the rock, your interaction sends out ripples when you interact with someone. How large the waves or ripples are dependent upon how great your impact was on that person. As the ripples get further away from the point of impact, the smaller energy they possess, but none the less, they are there and continuing out to benefit others. The amazing thing is there can be ripples that go out to the farthest reaches of the pond that you may never see...just like there will be people and relationships that you impact that you will never even meet. You started a chain reaction of positive benefits by choosing to have a pure heart to make someone else better and to love someone well. When you live a life with a YOU NOT ME Mindset you don't do things focused on what you get back, but focused on what you can give. You are focused on how you can be the change in the world to make it better...one interaction at a time.
Now that you understand the power of this math equation, go be a rock at your workplace, in your family, or wherever you find yourself and give positive energy to others , knowing that you are potentially affecting so many lives beyond just that one person. You may be the only person that encourages, serves, or loves them well today. I dare you to share this math with a friend, and to start doing this to at least two people per day for a month...but I must warn you, you will gradually find yourself doing it to more and more people because it is addictive, your joy in every aspect of life will skyrocket, and you will find you have friends everywhere you go!
Reach out and let me know how this affects your world.
Thank you so much for reading, it is an honor to have your time! I hope something in this piece resonated with you and helped shift your mindset. If it did, please share it with friends that could benefit from it and would want to join our movement to change the world around you by focusing on YOU NOT ME.
© 2018 YOU NOT ME™ Empowered Consulting
Excellent post Chris - thanks for sharing, and I'm looking forward to your next blog, ND